Inspirational Quotation Poster: Albert Einstein

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A beautifully designed typographic poster featuring the following inspirational and though provoking quote from Albert Einstein:
“Play is the highest form of research”.
This is part of a series of famous quotes relating to children and childcare that we have designed for parents, teachers and early years practitioners. They would look fantastic displayed at home or in your school or early years setting. They would work really well displayed in a frame as part of a quote of the week / month feature in your staff room. If you have a relevant quotation that you would like one of our designers to work on then please get in touch.
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this is awesome – its a simple yet such a valuable lesson – we use it in learning setting for adults to help them appreciate you don’t have to be too serious and when you let yourself go learning is infinitely more powerful – thank you so much for allowing this download.
I am using inspirational quotes with my 6th graders. Einstein had so many!
A great quote
so simple but great
This quote is from NV Scarfe, who wrote these words and then quoted Einstein in his article, Einstein’s quote is more complex “The desire to arrive finally at logically connected concepts is the emotional basis of a vague play with basic ideas. This combinatory or associative play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought”. Personally prefer Scarfe’s version, but he is not as famous, maybe why the source gets mis-quoted repeatedly. Sorry folks.