Changes to teaching standards

The government has accepted the recommendations of an independent review in to the skills that teachers should possess and the code of practice they should adhere to. There are currently two sets of standards covering existing teachers and those gaining QTS. The review felt this arrangement created a great deal of ambiguity and that the standards themselves were vague and often ignored. They recommended the creation of one over arching set of standards covering all teachers.


These standard will be far more streamlined, robust and straightforward. They will serve as the benchmark for good practice within the teaching profession and will be focused much more on classroom practice. They will give particular attention to the importance of managing challenging behaviour, subject knowledge and the ability to adapt to the needs of students including those with special educational needs. Of specific interest to those teaching early reading will be the emphasis on the importance of systematic synthetic phonics.


The review also recommended establishing a formal requirement that teachers must not undermine fundamental British values. This is said to encompass such things as the rule of law, democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different belief systems.
You might find the following interview with Sally Coates (Chair of the review) to be informative:


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